Monday, November 27, 2017

Research Essay Presentations Guidelines

Visual Presentation (50 points):

Each of you is expected to give a 10-minute PowerPoint presentation on your cultural findings related to the book, in which you explain your main claims, provide some supporting examples of those claims, and provide visual and/or audio supplements.

You are expected:

·       to answer student questions, if asked
·       to exhibit knowledge of topics covered
·       to prepare a clear, focused, organized presentation
·       to practice the length of your presentation, as rambling past or stumbling short of the 10 minutes will affect grade for assignment
·       to cite your work using in-text MLA and include a Work Cited page as last slide
·       to have considered design elements in your PowerPoint

You are required:

·       to present for 10 minutes
·       to present 4-6 PowerPoint slides, approximately
·       to have at least three visualizations that relate to book and/or culture/topic (video clip, photos)
·       to summarize key elements (defined by your research) of the book that lead to investigating cultural subject matter
·       to present your thesis and main topical claims
·       to discuss at least one of the secondary sources and why the author’s ideas are important to your research
·       to correctly use MLA in-text citation and include Work Cited page

Here are some suggestions for the supplemental visuals to include in your PowerPoint:

·       Videos: interviews, clips of critical reviews/discussion (Think of Library Treasure Hunt 2)
·       Collage of photographs from culture, with accompanying copy
·       Audio – music, interviews, etc.

* The presentation is a performance in which quality of content and creativity of delivery is equally important. All choices made in the performance should be towards enlightening reader on your research. Warning: flash with no substance will lower ones grade dramatically.

***Submit your PowerPoint to myLearning assignment dropbox in Unit 6 by Monday, 5/8, at 10:30am, so that I can check it on the school computers. ***

·       You may visit office hours to show PowerPoint in progress, or you may e-mail me to get some very quick feedback over the week

·       Make sure you have back up copies of your file (e-mail, USB), as there is no excuse to not have presentations ready on Monday

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