Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Developing Paragraph from Outline (Ethical Evaluation)

II. Body

A.  An act is right (wrong) because it follows (violates) principles A and B (A, A and D, etc.)-->topic sentence:

  • Ex. TS 1:  America must allow for Syrian refugees because one of the most important moral obligations we have as people is to treat each other as innocent humans, first and foremost.
    • Reasoning:
      • Denying entrance indicts people simply for their ethnicity, not their actions.
      • Judging individuals is a sin.
      • America's Constitution
      • We must still vet each refugee, but we must trust the process
    • Examples:
      • Bill of Rights
      • Christian tenets
      • Elian Gonzalez, the Syrian boy from Aleppo
      • ...
B. An act is right (wrong) because it will lead to consequences A, B, and C (or A and B, or A, or B and C, etc.), which are good (bad).
  • Ex. TS 2:  Shutting down America to those in need out of fear destroys our country's ideals of freedom and honor, giving our enemies bullets with which to gain new recruits and hate us more for our own prejudices.
    • Reasoning:
      • What does the Statue of Liberty symbolize and state? Give us your...
      • America takes the moral high ground with its Constitution, etc., and sees itself as the leader of the free world.
        • Does a leader hide from fear?
      • Can we ever truly guarantee 100% safety to our citizens? Look at the terror by our own citizens of all shapes and colors and sizes....
C. TS 3:  Another major consequence of shutting out refugees, America proves that it does not trust its own government to protect it from harm.

  • Reasoning:
    • There is a process for vetting, as mentioned earlier.
    • To deny means that there is serious doubt about processing...

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